Watercolor Paintings of Florals, Still Life, Landscapes and Portraits
Welcome to my view of God's world. My name is Susan Walsh Harper, the Susan Walsh part arriving in June of 1946. Art and music have been part and parcel of who I am since ever I can remember, but as you see, I've come lately to fine art. In fact, I didn't take up a watercolor brush until 2007. The journey has been exciting and continues to thrill and amaze me at every dip into a colorful puddle. God has blessed me and guides me through each brushstroke. I believe that as I surrender myself to the art, so I surrender to Him who first gave the gift.
The painting, "Sunflowers" won 5th place in the North Light Book Club Cover Contest for beginner category. That may not sound like much, but I was very excited about it. It was a national contest with thousands of entries and I had only been painting for a year. There have been bigger awards and a signature membership in the California Watercolor Association, but as thrilling as these have been, in truth it has always been about the gift, embracing that grace so freely given, surrendering to the passion to create something lovely, learning lessons in art and life, getting to know myself and my God more intimately. If someone else is touched, sees something there that soothes their soul, then I am doubly blessed. Please enjoy my efforts.
Watch this site for new additions. In the meantime enjoy looking and feel free to contact me. sue@susanwalshharper.com
Being self taught, I have relied heavily on instructional DVD's . They are exceptional learning tools that can be viewed over and over again. Creative Catalyst has many artists in every kind of medium you could want to learn. I hope you will visit their site and several of these other sites for inspiration or supplies. Creative Catalyst
Beginning in May, 2014 I will be trying to keep in touch with those who have expressed an interest in my work . A Newsletter seemed like a good way to do that. Several of those who have followed me have asked wonderful questions about everything from color palettes and what brushes I use, to how to I paint hair in watercolor. The newsletter will not be sent out unless you request to subscribe. It's free and will cover some of my news and endeavors and some tips on painting in watercolor, how to correct mistakes and what to do with those "oops" moments. (yes, there are things you can do to correct boo boos) Just click on "Contact and Commissions", fill in the blanks and let me know you'd like to subscribe to the newsletter in the Comments box. There won't be many of them, but they will be informative and instructional. Hope you keep in touch.
Best Regards,
Welcome to my view of God's world. My name is Susan Walsh Harper, the Susan Walsh part arriving in June of 1946. Art and music have been part and parcel of who I am since ever I can remember, but as you see, I've come lately to fine art. In fact, I didn't take up a watercolor brush until 2007. The journey has been exciting and continues to thrill and amaze me at every dip into a colorful puddle. God has blessed me and guides me through each brushstroke. I believe that as I surrender myself to the art, so I surrender to Him who first gave the gift.
The painting, "Sunflowers" won 5th place in the North Light Book Club Cover Contest for beginner category. That may not sound like much, but I was very excited about it. It was a national contest with thousands of entries and I had only been painting for a year. There have been bigger awards and a signature membership in the California Watercolor Association, but as thrilling as these have been, in truth it has always been about the gift, embracing that grace so freely given, surrendering to the passion to create something lovely, learning lessons in art and life, getting to know myself and my God more intimately. If someone else is touched, sees something there that soothes their soul, then I am doubly blessed. Please enjoy my efforts.
Watch this site for new additions. In the meantime enjoy looking and feel free to contact me. sue@susanwalshharper.com
Being self taught, I have relied heavily on instructional DVD's . They are exceptional learning tools that can be viewed over and over again. Creative Catalyst has many artists in every kind of medium you could want to learn. I hope you will visit their site and several of these other sites for inspiration or supplies. Creative Catalyst
Beginning in May, 2014 I will be trying to keep in touch with those who have expressed an interest in my work . A Newsletter seemed like a good way to do that. Several of those who have followed me have asked wonderful questions about everything from color palettes and what brushes I use, to how to I paint hair in watercolor. The newsletter will not be sent out unless you request to subscribe. It's free and will cover some of my news and endeavors and some tips on painting in watercolor, how to correct mistakes and what to do with those "oops" moments. (yes, there are things you can do to correct boo boos) Just click on "Contact and Commissions", fill in the blanks and let me know you'd like to subscribe to the newsletter in the Comments box. There won't be many of them, but they will be informative and instructional. Hope you keep in touch.
Best Regards,